Thursday, March 13, 2014

Lucky Numbers of Love!

Since 51-year-old DAvid GReeson, from Chatsworth, Ga., lost his wife, Kathy, to lymphoma back in December, he's played the lottery every day, using the same five numbers, WTVC reported. 

On Feb. 25, those lucky numbers -- 5, 7, 11, 23, and 31 -- made Greeson one of the three players to win $77, 921 from the Fantasy 5 drawing, according to WSB-TV 2. 

The numbers have special meaning: Kathy's birthday was Nov. 23, 1957 and the couple was married on Oct. 31, WTVC reported. 

After finding out about his big win, Greeson said, "Kathy, our numbers hit," according to the outlet. 

Since his wife loved to travel, he's going to use the money toward trips to places where they created wonderful memories together. 

"I needed something to lift me up," he told WSB-TV 2.